Wednesday, February 29, 2012

two poos poos in one day!

lucy pooped on the toilet twice today!!!!!  nate and i are in shock and don't really know what to think.  could it be this easy to potty train!?  could our baby girl be that smart?? or is it just a coincidence?
the first time i put her on the toilet today was really just to start getting her used to being on the toilet.  the second time i put her on the toilet i knew she was getting ready to go poopoo so we quickly booked it to the toilet and she did the deed.  the third time we put her on the toilet today we did it to get her in the habit, not thinking there was going to be much happening.  after about 2 minutes she pooped her second poopoo on the toilet for the day!!

i had spoken with my friend crystal this past weekend about getting our little girls potty trained.  apparently both our moms had potty trained us before we were one and culturally in other countries they potty train at a very young age.  here in america they call it elimination communication (infant potty training).  i've heard of people starting as early as a few weeks old.  i was kind of skeptical about the whole thing because really if your child can't communicate to you that they need to go potty and your just putting them on the toilet throughout the day and randomly you get lucky with a few deeds then would you call that child potty trained?  so when lucy pooped the first time today on the toilet i just thought, great she did it but so what i knew she was going to do it so i got lucky and made it to the toilet in time.  well then when she did it for the second time it really made me think about it.  in fact it made me think "my child is a genius!"  hahah!
update: lucy peepeed tonight!

no, but really there might be some truth to this whole elimination communication thing.  i mean our friend carolyn's baby is 11 months and can hold her pee until she's on the toilet.  my nephew who's 9 months goes poopoo exclusively on the toilet.  and even today my mom was just telling me how she had potty trained me well before i was 1.

so the journey begins for lucys potty training...

we did take a picture...

but your just going to

have to use your


Monday, February 27, 2012

a birthday, a shower and some lucy!

we have some busy weekends coming up, this weekend flew by too quickly.  we had a birthday pj party and a wedding shower this past weekend.  lucy had a lot of fun at the wedding shower.  we were afraid she was going to cry the entire time.  she's going through the stranger anxiety phase.  she didn't cry at all and most of the time other people were holding her.  we think she might have gotten over her fear of strangers, she seems to be getting better about it.  whew!  i'm glad and i hope stranger anxiety doesn't come back.  it makes going out or having company a little more difficult.  

i took lucy shopping on friday and she loved the red shirt i tried on.  she couldn't get enough of it, she screeched at the top of her lungs in the dressing room.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

grammy and grampy

grammy and grampy came for a visit this past wknd.  lucy was happy to see them and enjoyed hanging out with them.  she also showed us that she can be shy.  i'd never seen this before, it was cute.  grammy brought a bunch of special handmade gifts for lucy!

being shy

we also had a craft morning working on hair clips for lucy.  i got tired of buying $9 hair clips for lucy so i went to joannes and purchased everything in the picture below for $9!!!  its enough to make lucy 50 hair clips!

my husband is really creative when he's not working fifty hours a week.  over the years he's made me countless cards and handmade gifts that i treasure.  and now he has another little lady in his life to make stuff for. =)

Monday, February 20, 2012

sephora fun!

having fun with makeup!  can you believe how beautiful and gorgeous my friends are!?!?  you should see the rest of the group!  and i promise you they all know how to pose for pictures!  hands to hip, 30 degree face turn, smile!


update: so i finally figured out why lucy was staring at the rice bowl the entire time during lunch last week at the restaurant.  if you look at the picture below that i posted last week you see her little pouty face staring intently at the bowl of rice.  i remember nate having to move the bowl out of her reach and she kept whimpering and staring at it.  it finally dawned on me that lucy thought that was her food!  because at home when i feed her oatmeal it's always out of the same little rice bowl.  poor girl, she probably thought we were so mean to dangle food in front of her but not give it to her!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

6 moons

lucy is halfway to her 1st birthday!
this past month she seems to really have grown.  it seemed she went from not doing a whole lot to really becoming a little person.  she sits up pretty much all the time now, joins us at the table in her high chair.  she's starting to really understand some words we use often.  she really gets into the books we read her, she has her favorites and she touches the people or animals on the pages.  she just seems to be interacting with her surroundings so much like a little person.  i love just sitting and watching her, wondering what's going through her little brain.  it's pretty amazing to watch her experience everything for the first time.  everything is new and exciting for her.  we love her so much!  happy 6 months little lucy!

her first little fort, she loved it!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

happy valentine's day

our day in pictures...

daddys oatmeal......lucys oatmeal


nate made his card....mines store bought =(

cream puffs!!!! give me give me give me!

so cute...lucys been joining us at the table =)

Friday, February 10, 2012

girly girl

when i found out i was having a girl i thought to myself that my daughter was not going to be very girly girl because i'm not that type of girl myself.  my friends can all tell you that i don't know the first thing about hair and makeup.  i wear the same shoes and the little jewelry i wear, i wear everyday.  i do have one small obsession...bags.  i love all bags and i don't discriminate.  i love my $5 flea market bag just as much as my louis and chanels.  i always told nate "one day when we have a girl she'll have my whole bag collection."  well we have little lucy now and i can't believe how much more girly i am with her.  i put her in dresses and yesterday went on a hunt for more hair accessories for her.  and she has a shoe collection!  a shoe collection that she's yet to wear!  but i blame nate for that one, the first thing he ever bought lucy were shoes, before she was even born!

its been fun being girly girl with lucy and she just looks so darn cute with her little hair clips.  who knows i might even learn a few things from lucy and do my hair more.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

lucys got a little cold...or we think its a cold.  she's got a cough and drainage going on.  we hope its not asthma or allergies.  sometimes she seems to be having a hard time catching her breath.  im sure its just from being all stopped up.  everything else seems normal, she's still eating and sleeping as usual.  hopefully she gets better soon.

Monday, February 6, 2012

zoo days

lucy and i went to the zoo this past week.  the weather was so nice i couldn't help bundling her up and going out.  it was perfect at the zoo, no one there and the animals were active because of the nice weather.  when we got to the polar bears we were the only ones there with front row views.  lucy got a really good showing of the polar bears!  they came right up to the window and she was amazed, she reached out to try to touch them through the glass.  it was so special to watch her take it all in.  i could've sat there all day with lucy and the polar bears. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

high chair

we cant believe lucy is old enough to sit in a high chair!  just this past weekend when we went out to lunch with dj, kristen and little caleb they had set up a high chair right next to caleb for us.  we had never put lucy in a high chair before so we didnt try it thinking she probably couldnt do it.  well later on in the week i finally got the missing part in the mail to her high chair and proceeded to put it together.  after it was all set up according to her size we popped her in there and what do you know she's sitting in it nice and pretty!  makes us wonder how long she's been ready to sit in a high chair!  im glad she's ready because our couch needs a break from all the sticky fingers.

we love the high chair we chose for lucy.  its made by a scandinavian company called svan.  made out of wood the chair grows with your child from baby to adult.  each piece is adjustable.  you can take the tray off and slide your child up to the table to join the rest of the family.  and as they get bigger you can adjust the seat and footrest.  you can also reconfigure it into an adult chair so it can be used later on too.  i think the design is genius and makes a lot of sense, instead of buying a plastic high chair that gets thrown away in a few months why not invest in something that you will have always.  and really if you find it on sale like we did its not much more then any other high chair.  i also love that it matches our furniture.  it comes in a whole bunch of wood stains and there's also colorful cushions for the seat and backrest.  and a plastic tray that pops off for easy cleaning.

the footrest that nate is using is really suppose to be the seat on a adult chair so for an adult your feet just rest on the floor.