Wednesday, June 5, 2013

how to wear a little kid out

head to the pool!  lucy's been asking to go to the pool for quite some time now.  i'm not even sure how she remembers what a pool is?  i can only think that she remembers being on vacation in turks and caicos last summer, because i think that was the last time she was in a pool.  she also asks to go to the beach when she sees pictures of a beach.  and my response is always go ask daddy. =)  maybe he'll get the hint and take us.  although i still feel like we're on vacation here.

we're going to work with lucy to teach her how to swim.  i've been unsuccessful at signing her up for swim classes.  they seem to always be full.  at least she loves the water so that's a good start.  we take her to the north boulder rec center which is very close to us.  there was a girl at the pool last time that was lucy's age and could swim underwater by herself.  inspiring!

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