we walk to the farmers market every saturday. lucy has to stop and smell all the flowers. the BMoCa is free on saturday farmers markets. we checked it out last time. they also have a little kids art station set up outside that lucy enjoys.
there seems to be a festival every weekend now that its close to summer. and we live right in the heart of it all! the boulder creek festival as well as the bolder boulder 10k are happening this weekend. i love that we can walk to all the festivities.
a little conversation lucy and i had yesterday after i picked her up from school.
me: "did you play outside?"
lucy: "yes"
me: "what did you play with outside?"
lucy: "sandbox"
me: "who did you play with in the sandbox?"
lucy: "little girl"
simple answers to simple questions, but this conversation filled me with so much happiness.
it's our first real back and forth conversation. i didn't want it to end.
i want to hear her talk! she is just so stinking adorable!